Enterprise Decision-Making Driven Using Processes

Harold Engstrom • Jan 11, 2023

In the digital age, your business is only as efficient as its processes. Did you know that 78% of businesses that invested in process automation say they are likely to invest more?

Part of the reason is that automated processes are effective and affordable at improving business decision-making, especially as your enterprise grows. Let’s talk about how!

Understanding Processes

You could argue that any activity in a business is a “process”, so let’s define what we mean. In a modern business, a process is a collaboration of tasks and microservices seeking to deliver a service or product to a client or managing in-house workflow. 

Generally, workflow expands with the enterprise. This creates a greater demand for business process management (BPM), which is a way to improve the processes organizations use to complete work and/or serve customers and generate leads.

In this context, processes and process management can play a major role in enterprise decision-making. Here’s how.

How Processes Can Impact Decision-Making

To clarify, we aren’t suggesting you automate away your business decision-making entirely. Instead, we’re suggesting you use automated processes to help impact your decision-making, as automation now plays a significant role in most enterprises. Here are some of the ways processes can help business leaders make sound decisions.


You can’t make informed decisions in a business without detailed analytics. Business analytics is one of the most important processes to automate, as there is simply too much data to review manually, especially as your enterprise continues to grow.

The most important analytics to track include:

  • How instances are processed
  • Least and most executed paths
  • How variables change over time

Of course, marketing and performance analytics are incredibly important for making sound business decisions. However, tracking and analyzing all processes will offer ample insight for business analysts and managers to make informed decisions.

Business Reporting

Reporting for customers, investors, and management plays a key role in decision-making. It’s also an integral component of BPM automation, which can offer concise and detailed reporting at any scale.

For example, with FlowWright’s Business Process Management Engine, you will receive a full audit report for workflow instances. You can even implement and use custom report data providers and SQL report templates for ease of use.


We understand that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to process management. Every enterprise has different needs.

Fortunately, there are ways to configure your process management software by entering rules, defining tasks and microservices, and configuring events. From there, you can easily store your definitions with our low-code platform, allowing for easy XML storage and rules management. This will help improve and customize your workflow and processes to better suit your business needs.

How to Improve Business Decisions Using Processes

Now that you understand the link between processes and decision-making, let’s talk about how to put it into practice. Here’s how to get the most out of your BPM engine!

Define Your Processes

Defining your workflow and processes will ensure that your tools offer the reporting, analysis, and configuration you need. This will allow you to design and manage different microservices and tasks, which will further automate and improve your workflow and reporting.

Review Reports

You can easily review reports and analytics on your FlowWright dashboard, which will offer you insight into your process definitions, business objects, instances, and tasks. You can even implement and manage widgets on your dashboard to see what’s most important to you.

Make Necessary Adjustments

Reporting and analysis only have value if you allow them to. Using the information provided, you can make more informed decisions on business practices, particularly on workflow and process management.

More importantly, once you feel comfortable with the platform and you have configured it to your needs, you can even program the BPM to make certain adjustments automatically in response to certain reports. 

Boost Your Enterprise Decision-Making Today

Now that you know how processes can impact enterprise decision-making, you can see why they are playing a greater role in data management. Enterprises of all industries and scales are embracing this technology to help make informed business decisions, and so can yours.

Stay up to date with our latest tips to improve your business processes, and learn more about our BPM features to see how they can help you!

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