Value-Driven Process Automation

Mark Thompson • Feb 15, 2023

Every business can benefit from automating certain processes. The right automation helps save money and improve efficiency, especially as you continue to scale your enterprise.

However, not all automation is created equal. Let’s talk about the keys to value-driven process automation and see what it can do for your business!

What Is Process Automation?

We aren’t talking about using robotics to optimize your manufacturing plant. Instead, we’re talking about the processes that nearly every business uses to support in-house functions and to deliver products or services to customers.

For a modern business, there are plenty of examples of these processes. This includes the way we acquire, archive, analyze, and report our data. Any series of tasks aimed at one goal is considered a process.

In this context, process automation is a way of automating your digital processes. You almost certainly use this to some extent already, but having comprehensive digital process automation that works cohesively across multiple platforms, users, and tenants can make a world of difference for your enterprise. Let’s talk about why.

Value-Driven Benefits of Process Automation

Now that we understand what process automation is, let’s discuss some of the key advantages of value-driven process automation. Essentially, this means that your process automation has a pre-defined set of rules and an easily programmable design to offer value to your business. Here are some of the most important benefits of value-driven automation.

1. Delivering Quality Results

Human error costs businesses a whopping $3.1 trillion every year. When it comes to most digital processes, especially involving repetitive tasks with slight variables, humans will never compare to automation when it comes to consistently delivering quality results. Well, that umbrella covers a wide array of processes, including:

  • Email automation
  • Archival and logging
  • Data and business analysis
  • Reporting
  • Workflow management
  • Synchronization (across multiple platforms)
  • Authorizations

These are just a few examples of processes where AI will always work better in the long run. The right tools will even allow you to program and define your rules to adjust to your specific processes, tasks, and microservices.

2. Reducing Costs

The word of the day is value, as companies need to protect their bottom lines, especially in uncertain economic times. We’ve discussed that human error costs businesses a fortune, but so does human labor. Without automation, you’re not only sacrificing value in your end product, but you’re spending more to do so.

While this may not be a major issue for a three-person construction company, the need for automation grows with your business. If you intend to scale your enterprise at any point, it simply isn’t feasible to continue hiring for everything. 

3. Uniformity

Again, human error is responsible for a lot of issues in any enterprise. Having consistency throughout all of your processes, especially what the customer sees, can make a world of difference in your business results. Designing forms, email automation, and more can benefit from the level of uniformity that only value-driven process automation can offer.

Also, uniform processes have some secondary benefits to keep in mind. For example, 82% of security breaches are due to human error. The more uniformly your processes can run, the less likely you are to see issues.

4. Improving Customer Experience

Automation is faster, more efficient, and more accurate than human-led processes. When customers get exactly what they want in the shortest possible time, this leads to high levels of satisfaction. With value-driven, programmable process automation, you can offer any product or service to your customers as quickly and efficiently as possible.

5. Improving Employee Satisfaction

Employees who spend their time on valuable work are more satisfied in their roles. Conversely, spending your day on mind-numbing, repetitive tasks can lead to low levels of satisfaction. Reducing their need for busy work will only save you money and improve the overall experience of your team.

Choose the Right Process Automation Today

Now that you know what value-driven process automation can do for your business, incorporate these tools into yours today for the best results. Automating key processes will save you money, improve your processes, and demonstrate a reliable and uniform product or service to your customers.

Keep reading our blog for our latest business tips, and check out our features to see what FlowWright can offer you!

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